Page 6 - US Virtual Assessment Guide
P. 6

For the mathematics questions, some areas which may be covered include fractions, Pythagorean theorem and simultaneous equations.
Review links:
• Practice Problems
See sections on Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, and Sets in particular.
The written portion has a 20 minute time limit.
You will be given a prompt and asked to write a brief essay. This helps us to assess your written communication skills and ability to think on your feet.
If you are successful in the online Assessment tests, you will then progress to the Interview stage.
The first is a technical phone interview, covering technical concepts (i.e. programming languages) and overall logic and critical thinking skills. The second is a behavioral-based Skype interview focusing on your passion for IT, career goals, and educational background. Each lasts approximately 15 minutes. Your recruiter will coordinate these with you.
We are looking for committed, motivated, ambitious, dynamic individuals and we will be looking for energy, enthusiasm and examples that demonstrate these qualities in your answers.
Example questions:
• FDM and the IT industry
• Your degree and career history
• Your professional and personal motivations
• Tell me about something you are particularly
proud of?
• What do you find is always left until last on your to-do list? • Tell me about an activity or task that comes easily to you? • What were your favorite subjects at university?
• What unique qualities could you bring to the company?
• Describe a situation in which you feel most like ‘yourself’?
• Ensure you log in and have good internet connectivity on time
• Pick a location that will be quiet and well-lit
• Demonstrate professionalism at all times
• Prepare for the interviews and tests as much as possible
• Research FDM’s Careers Program thoroughly
• Keep up to date with technology changes in the industry
• Be yourself and answer all questions honestly

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